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THE RIGHT WAY TO SQUAT (And Solve The “Butt Wink” Issue)

At Born Fitness, we work with our online coaching clients to determine what movement is best for them. We love squats, but not everyone needs to do them. Blanket recommendations are dangerous. One person’s path to better performance can be another person’s path to injury. Some things you can’t debate, such as whether it’s a crime to…

How to Improve Your Grip Strength & Wrist Mobility: The 6 Best Exercises

Do you find your grip a limiting factor in the gym (I see you chin-upsand deadlifts)? Or in everyday life (looking at you, pickle jars)? If so, don’t worry! We’ve got a handle on this (pun 100% intended). As the lead trainer of our 1-on-1 Online Coaching Program, I’m going to outline a number of helpful, handy (sigh) stretches and…


Looking for a workout that will help to give you defined legs and a sculpted butt? Not to mention help to increase your athletic performance and prevent knee and back pain?  We’re sharing 8 great glute exercises to include in your training routine that will do all of the above! And, if you’d prefer a glute…

The Best Back Workouts for Mass & Hypertrophy

In some ways, back workouts are the straw that stirs the drink in your workout program.  A strong back is essential for safely and effectively performing all of the most effective compound exercises, like the squat, deadlift, bench press, and overhead press, which are what will deliver the majority of your muscle and strength gains.  In other…

The Best Ab Workout For Six Pack Abs (Based On Science)

In this article, find out the best science-based six pack abs workout you need to do for an impressive-looking midsection. Let’s face it, acquiring a sculpted set of six-pack abs is a goal that most of us want to achieve.Most of us also know that in order to achieve this, we need to strip off…

Your simple 8- step plan to absolutely smash ‘leg day’

Everybody tells you that you can’t afford to skip ‘Leg Day’, but do you listen? If you’re serious about achieving your overall fitness goals, you really should! When it comes to working out, we tend to overlook the importance of our legs, and it’s not difficult to figure out why. They’re not as visually prominent…

How Much Water Should You Drink With Creatine Monohydrate?

Your body may need less or more water, depending on your exercise regimen’s intensity. Outside training, the recommended 6-8 glasses a day will suffice. However, if you are using creatine you may want to slightly up your water intake.Generally, weight lifters tend to add 4-7 pounds of weight in the first few days of using…

Harnessing the Power of Nature: The Ultimate Workout Experience

In today’s fast-paced, technology-driven world, finding the motivation and inspiration to work out can be a challenge. However, there’s a powerful and often overlooked source of motivation right outside our doors: nature. Connecting with the natural world can transform your fitness routine into a fulfilling and invigorating experience. In this blog post, we’ll explore the…

The Best Exercise for Athletes

There are many reasons why people exercise. Some are trying to build muscle, lose weight, or compete in bodybuilding. Another major user of the gym is athletes, as working out continues to become an integral part of any sport. Athletes are always looking for that competitive edge, especially in the off-season. A great way to achieve this is by adopting a…


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