Training Articles

THE RIGHT WAY TO SQUAT (And Solve The “Butt Wink” Issue)

At Born Fitness, we work with our online coaching clients to determine what movement is best for them. We love squats, but not everyone needs to do them. Blanket recommendations are dangerous. One person’s path to better performance can be another person’s path to injury. Some things you can’t debate, such as whether it’s a crime to…


Looking for a workout that will help to give you defined legs and a sculpted butt? Not to mention help to increase your athletic performance and prevent knee and back pain?  We’re sharing 8 great glute exercises to include in your training routine that will do all of the above! And, if you’d prefer a glute…

The Best Back Workouts for Mass & Hypertrophy

In some ways, back workouts are the straw that stirs the drink in your workout program.  A strong back is essential for safely and effectively performing all of the most effective compound exercises, like the squat, deadlift, bench press, and overhead press, which are what will deliver the majority of your muscle and strength gains.  In other…

Your simple 8- step plan to absolutely smash ‘leg day’

Everybody tells you that you can’t afford to skip ‘Leg Day’, but do you listen? If you’re serious about achieving your overall fitness goals, you really should! When it comes to working out, we tend to overlook the importance of our legs, and it’s not difficult to figure out why. They’re not as visually prominent…


Are you looking for stronger, more defined arms — the type of arms you can show off?  If toned and sculpted arms are what you’re looking for, try these strength training arm exercises. If you really enjoy the thrill of sculpting arms, consider teaching others through the lens of exercise science with NASM. Become a personal trainer…

How Much Water Should You Drink With Creatine Monohydrate?

Your body may need less or more water, depending on your exercise regimen’s intensity. Outside training, the recommended 6-8 glasses a day will suffice. However, if you are using creatine you may want to slightly up your water intake.Generally, weight lifters tend to add 4-7 pounds of weight in the first few days of using…

Harnessing the Power of Nature: The Ultimate Workout Experience

In today’s fast-paced, technology-driven world, finding the motivation and inspiration to work out can be a challenge. However, there’s a powerful and often overlooked source of motivation right outside our doors: nature. Connecting with the natural world can transform your fitness routine into a fulfilling and invigorating experience. In this blog post, we’ll explore the…

The Best Exercise for Athletes

There are many reasons why people exercise. Some are trying to build muscle, lose weight, or compete in bodybuilding. Another major user of the gym is athletes, as working out continues to become an integral part of any sport. Athletes are always looking for that competitive edge, especially in the off-season. A great way to achieve this is by adopting a…

What Happens to Your Body When You Eat Walnuts Every Day

It’s no secret that walnuts have been highlighted thanks to the evolving research that continues to show their numerous health benefits. From heart and gut health to cognition, walnuts’ powers seem to positively affect numerous areas of our health. Even the 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans highlighted that nuts like walnuts should be included in the diets…

Which Training Style is Right For You?

Whether you’re new to fitness, returning after a break or craving a new challenge, finding a training style you enjoy is the first step to unlocking the joy in movement. It’s so much easier to create a workout routine that works for you and achieve your fitness goals when you love what you’re doing. That’s why when it comes to maintaining motivation, finding…


Universal Nutrition is a well-known brand in the fitness and bodybuilding industry, offering a wide range of sports nutrition products. While individual experiences and results may vary, here are some potential benefits of using Universal Nutrition products: It’s important to note that while Universal Nutrition products can be beneficial for many individuals, they should be…


ProLab is a well-known brand that offers a wide range of products in the fitness and sports nutrition industry. Here are some potential benefits of using ProLab products: It’s important to note that individual experiences may vary, and it’s always recommended to consult with a healthcare professional or registered dietitian before incorporating any new supplements…


ProSupps is a well-known brand in the fitness and sports nutrition industry, offering a wide range of supplements and products. While individual experiences may vary, here are some potential benefits of using ProSupps products: Remember, it’s important to consult with a healthcare professional or a qualified nutritionist before starting any new supplementation regimen to ensure…


MusclePharm is a popular brand in the fitness and bodybuilding industry, offering a wide range of sports nutrition products. While individual experiences may vary, here are some potential benefits of using MusclePharm products: It’s important to note that while MusclePharm products can be beneficial, individual results may vary depending on factors such as diet, exercise…


MRI Performance products are a range of dietary supplements and performance-enhancing products that are designed to support athletes and fitness enthusiasts in achieving their goals. While it’s important to note that the specific benefits may vary depending on the product and individual circumstances, here are some potential advantages associated with using MRI Performance products: However,…


Met-RX is a popular brand that offers a wide range of sports nutrition products. While individual experiences may vary, here are some potential benefits of using Met-RX products: It’s important to note that individual preferences, dietary requirements, and goals may vary. Before incorporating any new supplements or products into your routine, it’s advisable to consult…


Labrada Nutrition is a well-known brand in the fitness and nutrition industry, offering a range of products designed to support various fitness goals. Here are some potential benefits of using Labrada Nutrition products: It’s important to note that individual results may vary, and it’s always a good idea to consult with a healthcare professional or…


Isopure is a brand that offers a range of protein-based products, including protein powders, ready-to-drink protein beverages, and protein bars. Here are some potential benefits of using Isopure products: It’s important to note that individual experiences may vary, and the suitability of Isopure products depends on your specific dietary needs and goals. Consulting with a…


There are several reasons why someone might choose to use High Performance Fitness (HPF) products. Here are a few potential benefits: It’s important to note that while HPF products can be beneficial for many individuals, they should be used in conjunction with a balanced diet and appropriate exercise routine. Consulting with a healthcare professional or…


Gaspari Nutrition is a sports nutrition company that offers a range of products designed to support athletic performance, muscle growth, and overall well-being. While specific benefits may vary depending on the product, here are some potential advantages of using Gaspari products: Remember that individual results may vary depending on various factors such as personal goals,…


BSN (Bio-Engineered Supplements and Nutrition) is a popular brand in the sports nutrition industry. While specific benefits may vary depending on the individual and the specific product, here are some potential advantages of using BSN products: It’s important to note that while BSN products can be beneficial for some individuals, it’s always a good idea…


Betancourt Nutrition is a well-known brand in the fitness and sports nutrition industry, offering a wide range of products designed to support athletic performance, muscle growth, and overall health. Here are some reasons why you might consider using Betancourt Nutrition products: It’s important to note that while Betancourt Nutrition products can be a valuable addition…


Matcha green tea has been around for about a thousand years. And if you haven’t tried it yet, it’s time. That might have you wondering: what is matcha, anyway? Is it different from plain old green tea? If so, is it better? If you’ve ever wondered about any of those things, you’ve come to the…

Memorial Day Murph Workout: The Ultimate Strategy

I’ll never forget my first Memorial Day Murph workout. Most of us would probably say the same – it’s not a workout that is easily forgotten. Two miles total, and tons of pull-ups, push-ups, and air squats… Murph isn’t a workout to be taken lightly. There’s a pretty good chance you’ll see Murph pop-up in…

Strength Exercises of Beginners

Wondering what are the best strength exercises for beginners and where to start with training? I got you. Strength training is probably the most underestimated form of exercise, yet is great to add some variety to your weekly activities. Not only will it help you to reduce your risk of injury, it’ll also make your body…


This Mother’s Day, plan on making your mom your workout buddy. Mother’s Day is quickly approaching, which means moms are about to get their 24 hours worth of well-earned celebration. Maybe you have the classic brunch, DIY spa day, or FaceTime call planned, but if you’re looking for new ideas this year, a mother-daughter workout…


Everything you need for a healthy and fun Cinco De Mayo Celebration at home! These simple but delicious recipes use whole food, healthy ingredients, and they are so easy to put together. Pick your favorite or make it all for a full Mexican-inspired feast. 1. Loaded Mojo Chicken Tacos These loaded mojo chicken street tacos…

Dance, Dance Workout

Great! Let’s get moving with a dance workout. Dancing is not only a fun and enjoyable way to exercise, but it also helps improve cardiovascular health, muscle strength, flexibility, and coordination. So let’s put on some music and get ready to dance our way to fitness! Warm-Up (5-7 minutes): Start with a light warm-up to…


Keep your body energized and healthy by eating these key superfoods for immune system health. These seven foods are packed with vitamins and nutrients that will help your body fend off germs during cold and flu season so you can perform at your best.  What are superfoods? Superfoods are foods that have a particularly high…


With his wedding just 6 months away, Born Fitness client Chris (aka Sparta) decided to get serious about fat loss.  There’s nothing quite like a deadline to get your butt in gear. Sparta was highly motivated, crushing gym workouts and diving into tracking his food (something that works well for him).  But, after losing weight…


If you ever really need proof about how the human body works, find your way into a metabolic chamber. There are about 30 of them in the world and they cost millions of dollars. They use the best technology to  measure every single ounce of energy that is either consumed or burned.  These chambers allow…


A bloated stomach can make you feel pretty uncomfortable. Bloating happens when the gastrointestinal tract becomes full of gas. Your belly can feel very full, tight and can even be painful.(1) This is definitely not the feeling you want to be walking around with all day. WHAT CAUSES BLOATING? Bloating can be caused by several things,…


“It’s not the years, honey, it’s the mileage.” – Indiana Jones Like Indy, you’ve lived a little.  But, getting older doesn’t mean it’s time to sit on the sidelines. You don’t have to grow weaker and give up what you love. No matter how many miles are on the odometer, you can get older and stronger.  And…


We probably all know the desire to give in to our sweet tooth — we need sweets and we need them NOW! We might also have cravings for pizza or some other type of greasy, salty food. Nasty cravings seem to appear when we least expect them and usually when we are unequipped to resist…


Regular exercise is one of the most important things you can do for your health. Whether you’re looking to lose weight, build muscle, reduce stress, or just maintain good health, working out is a great way to achieve your goals. In this blog, we’ll explore the top reasons why it’s good to workout. In conclusion,…


Nutrition and physical training are meant to be together. This young couple came together through fitness. Check out their recipes for a healthy Valentine’s Day dinner for two! Valentine’s Day can be tough. If you’re single, you may get overwhelmed by a pink and white deluge of commercialized romance. If you represent half a couple,…


Even though I grew up in a northern snow belt along the Great Lakes, cold weather is not my thing. In fact, I really don’t like anything about it. And often along with the winter blues comes a decrease in health and fitness due to the lack of motivation. To counteract that feeling, let’s look…


The benefits of pre-workout supplements have caught on almost as much as protein supplements. As serious athletes become more aware of all that is available to enhance their training efforts, they have sought out the benefits of pre-workout supplements.  Just as protein supplements provide the benefits of added amino acids for building muscle, the benefits…


“Ugh, I just don’t have time to work out,” says everyone everywhere. Thankfully, there’s a solution: high-intensity training. High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is a time-efficient approach to exercise. You get your heart rate up quickly but safely, doing a lot of work in a shorter period of time. It’s not just for gym rats, either. Anyone can…


Every New Year’s, the message is always the same: “do better, in less time”. We find ourselves scrolling online through end-of-the-year recaps, reels of people’s travels and accomplishments, and predictions for the next beauty or body trend to chase.  The pressures to look perfect, eat clean and attain success by the end of each year can…


Looking for a great holiday workout? This 25 Days of Christmas workout will help you work up a sweat and get a jump start on those New Year’s resolutions! Check out the full workout below! Ho ho ho!! I don’t know about you, but I always indulge a little bit during the holidays. And why…


What kind of Christmas would it be without sweet treats? We don’t really have to worry about calories – there’s going to be a lot of them. However, if you want to try something healthier and more fit, replace traditional Christmas recipes with these 10 fitness recipes. We have improved all of them by using…


While most dietary supplements are a waste of money — sold at premium prices, yet returning little to no health benefit to the consumer — there are a few that buck the trend. Creatine is one of them. The compound, commonly sold in powdered form, is relatively inexpensive, quite safe at recommended doses, and remarkably effective at delivering its marketed benefits:…


As an eating disorder survivor, the holiday season can be scary. In early recovery days, my mental approach to the holidays looked something like this: First, it was Thanksgiving, a whole holiday about food, listening to people talk about their diet plans and constant and compulsive thoughts about how I would “make up for” what…


While Thanksgiving is certainly a time to be grateful and spend time with those we who mean the most to us, the festivities tend to add a few extra pounds to our waistline. To help avoid tipping the scale this holiday season, follow these 5 healthy Thanksgiving tips: 1. Eat small, before you eat big- There…

The Ultimate Halloween Workout Guide

At first glance, Halloween and healthy habits may seem at odds with one another. But there are tons of tricks to celebrate the classic fall holiday without feeling guilty about all the treats. Here’s how to get in shape and stay in shape this Halloween.  WHY YOU SHOULD WORK OUT BEFORE HALLOWEEN, AND ON HALLOWEEN…

11 Quick, Healthy Lunch Ideas to Keep You Fit

1. Tomato Panzanella Calories: 485 Cooking Time: 45 minutes If you’re looking for quick healthy lunch ideas to replace the boring pre-packaged salads from your local convenience store, then you’ve found it. This Tomato Panzanella recipe is a quick, healthy lunch salad you can whip up in just a matter of minutes. Ingredients: How to: 2. Herbed…

How to Pick the Right Shoe

When you’re playing a sport, your shoes can make all the difference. The right shoes can cushion and support your feet, ankles, and other parts of your body as you run, shift, and make other quick maneuvers.  And while Kyle Durfey, DPM, Brian Hiapo, DPM, and our team at Arizona Foot and Ankle Medical Center treat many conditions that commonly…

How to Improve Fitness Overnight?

If you think improving fitness is all about exercising more and doing tougher workouts, here’s your wake-up call on the importance of sleep  – to see better fitness results, you need to get that shut-eye. Over my 26 years in the fitness industry, I’ve seen a ton of crazy things people will do to get…

How to Workout with Your Family

First, some bad news: Finding time to work out when you’re a busy parent is almost impossible. Now, some worse news: Finding time to work out when you’re a busy parent in quarantine? Actually impossible. Or so it might seem. Yes, the challenge of staying fit while parenting has been made even more difficult after global…

Fall Fitness Tips to Keep You Active

Changing weather can also mean a change in routine, which is the perfect time to update your fitness habits. While it may be tempting to let things become more relaxed when schedules fill up and sweaters come out of the closet, keeping up with your fitness goals (or creating new ones!) is the perfect way to…

Flexibility Training: Why Stretching and Flexibility is Important

Stretching and flexibility training have undergone dramatic changes in the fitness and sports training realm. Over the last ten to fifteen years more research has been published and subsequently applied to fitness and conditioning programs.  Previously, the benefits of stretching were based on perceived notions (Bracko, 2002), whereas now there is data-based evidence to support…

12 Fall Recipes to Get You in the Fall Mood

I don’t know about you, but I’m ready to carb-load for fall. I love all the warm and comforting flavors of fall food. Give me a bowl of food and a giant blanket and the equivalent of a roaring fire (the modern day roaring fire is Netflix) and I’m the happiest fall camper of them…

What To Eat After A Workout

Whether you went jogging, swam laps, rode your bike or lifted weights, completing your exercise session isn’t the end of the challenge. Knowing what to eat after your workout can play a pivotal role in helping your body refuel, rehydrate and recover from exercise, as well as help your muscles rebuild. “You don’t need to…

Bigger, Stronger Back

They say, “you gotta row to grow.” And what they’re (almost always) referring to is the big, basic, bent-over barbell row. The barbell row is one of the most challenging exercises you can you implement into your back workouts. The barbell row is often considered one of the most fundamental exercises, right up there with the…

15 Exercises to Tone Butt and Abs at the Same Time

“Having strong glutes go hand in hand with a strong core,” says Melissa Kendter, U.S. Trainer for Tone & Sculpt. That’s why she put together the following abs and butt workout. “These two muscle groups are responsible for so many of the movements that we make in our day-to-day life and our posture, therefore exercises that work them both at…

Yoga and Bodybuilding

Are You Interested in Yoga and Bodybuilding? If you are interested in yoga and bodybuilding, I’ve put this blog together to help demystify some of the benefits yoga can bring to bodybuilders and why fitness-focused, no-nonsense yoga is one of the best ways to keep you fit, improve your flexibility, and ensure your mobility is…

Strength and Cardio You Can Do Anywhere

When it comes to keeping up with an active and healthy lifestyle, we can’t let travel, work, or lack of gym access get in our way or else we’d never see results!  That’s why outdoor workouts can be a great option. In the words of motivational speaker Tony Robbins, “Stay committed to your decisions but…

The Best Vitamins & Supplements To Take During Summer

With summer finally almost here, our supplement routines will likely change a little bit. There are a few different supplements that are worth considering taking as the seasons change. Just like in winter, you might want to up your levels of vitamin D, there are certain supplements that work brilliantly in the summer. Let’s explore…

5 High Protein Meal Prep Recipes

Hi friends! How are ya? I hope you’re having a lovely morning. We’re coming out the other side from dance competition straight into dance picture night at the studio (WHEW) and I’m looking forward to getting some work and studying for IHP done today. I’d love to hear about what you have going on! Today, let’s…

Moves for Fat Lose

Yes, exercise is essential for overall health, but when you’re trying to lose weight it becomes even more important. If you’re aiming to lose weight without the gym, you can rely on the best exercises to do at home to lose weight. If you’re trying to create your own weight loss workout but don’t know where to start,…

How Does Stress Affect Our Body?

The body reacts to stress in a number of ways. The brain triggers the adrenal glands to release hormones, including adrenaline and cortisol. These hormones increase heart rate and blood pressure and redirect blood flow to the muscles, heart, and other organs that need it for the “fight-or-flight” response. This response is intended to be…

25 Summer Fitness Tips Straight From the Experts

Though a healthy lifestyle should be a year-round thing, the pressure for a better body is on high during the summer, what with all of the time we spend in tank tops and bathing suits and basically just way less clothing than we’re used to wearing outdoors. And while getting into a healthy routine can be done…

The Benefits of Creatine

Creatine has become a hot commodity in the world of health and fitness in recent years. Used across the board from bodybuilders to endurance athletes and across both sexes, the most heavily researched supplement in the world is undoubtedly misunderstood. But what exactly are the benefits of creatine and how can it help your performance?…

Steps of A Good Warm Up

Step One: Cardio Take 3-5 minutes to warm up your core temperature and loosen up your muscles doing some cardio. This cardio could be jogging, rowing, stair climbing, or sled drags. The most important thing is to get the blood flowing to the muscles. Step Two: Muscle Activation Muscle activation exercises can be done for…

Cinco de Mayo Protein-Packed Tacos

Cinco de Mayo is tomorrow and we have you prepared for breakfast, or lunch, or dinner. Make these tacos tonight and pop them in the microwave to have them ready on the table for the holiday in the morning. Tacos are a crowd-pleaser because they’re filling, easy to make vegan, and usually healthy. It’s time to…

Five Ways to Simplify Training

Whether you’re a professional bodybuilder or a beginner weight lifter, simplifying your training can help you intensify the benefits of training. Weight training can help increase strength, muscle tone, improve bone density, and help reduce fat. These five rules can help you simplify and intensify your training by cutting out all of the fads and…

All About Allulose

Allulose is the newest and greatest in sugar substitutes being researched in the science community. Table sugar (sucralose) is the most common sweetener. Simple sugars, called monosaccharides, include glucose, fructose, and allulose. Disaccharides are double bonded sugar molecules including sucrose, lactose, and maltose. Allulose is a natural sugar that’s low in calories and doesn’t spike…

Banded Hip Flexor Stretch

The banded hip flexor stretch takes the classic hip flexor stretch and adds the resistance of the band. Lengthening the lat muscle by stretching the arm upwards can also help release hip flexor tightness because they attach to the lumbar erector muscles. To perform: Start in a half kneeling, 90/90 stance position. Loop the band…

How to Perform the Six Best Weight Moves for Fat Loss

Weight loss and fat loss are a big goal for many people, but many people also get stuck in the trap of basic cardio and end up wondering why they aren’t making more progress. What’s the deal? Well, most experts agree that weight training is a big part of any weight loss program. Compound exercises,…

A Guide to D-Aspartic Acid (DAA)

D-aspartic acid (DAA) is an amino acid found organically in the human body and in certain foods. DAA is known to have a role in the neuroendocrine system, especially in the production of male sex hormones and growth factors such as testosterone, growth hormone (GH), and insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1). Because of the potential…

High Protein Enchiladas

3 Low Carb or High Protein Tortillas 4oz Lean Ground Beef ¼ cup Black Beans, drained and rinsed ¼ cup red or green enchilada sauce 2 tbsp diced green chiles ¼ cup low fat Mexican blend shredded cheese Salt and pepper Directions Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Brown ground beef in a skillet on medium.…

Cheeseburger Omelette

2 large eggs ½ cup egg whites 4oz lean ground beef or turkey ¼ cup tomatoes, sliced or cubed 2 tbsp reduced fat shredded cheddar cheese Optional Toppings: ketchup, salt, pepper, pickles, chives, etc. Directions Whisk together eggs and whites. Add egg mix to preheated medium heat skillet and cover. Cook until desired doneness. Usually…

Chicken Burrito Bowl

For the Rice 2 cups white rice, cooked Lime 2 tbsp cilantro For the Chicken 12 oz chicken breast Mexican seasoning For the Bowl 1/3 cup black beans ½ cup fresh salsa ¼ cup guacamole ¼ cup corn ¼ nonfat Greek yogurt ¼ cup shredded cheddar cheese 1 cup shredded lettuce Rice: After the rice…

The Challenge to Be Better

Are you up for the challenge? It’s simple. Be better than you are right now in one full year. It’s important for you to commit to a whole year of change and progression. What should you be better at in one year? Everything. Your health, fitness, athletic performance, nutrition, and confidence should all improve. Look…

The Basics of Mini Cuts

A mini cut is a period of aggressive fat loss in the short term. They are a great tool to help you cut your fat loss without losing muscle. Mini cuts are usually between two and six weeks long. They are specifically designed for a fast and strong rate of fat loss. They are not…

Lifting With a Purpose

“To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift.” – Steve Prefontaine In the Beginning On February 6, 1999, twin baby boys were born. From that moment on, Lisa Arnold has felt an all-encompassing, unconditional love for her boys. If you know her, you know Lisa is a determined, strong, loyal, courageous,…

Vegan Protein for Athletes

More and more people are switching to vegan and vegetarian lifestyles. Does that mean your fit life will suffer from nutritional deficits? It can, but if you plan carefully, it doesn’t have to suffer. Athletes need a higher amount of protein than the average person. Knowing what your vegan protein sources are and how they…

Hunter Hopperton

I’ve played football since 5th Grade. My love for football really came when I started to watch NFL games on tv so that motivated me to join the team. From a young age my parents really taught me that if you want something you have to strive to go out and get it. I would…

Learn Your Gym Terms

While many gym rats can easily slip in and out of gym talk, it’s much harder for beginners to understand the slang found all over the gym. If you feel left out of the talk at the gym, it’s simple to start improving and expanding your gym slang dictionary. Starting out with this list can…

Hydration 101: Water at the Gym

Water is essential for human life. Water is necessary for bodily processes such as transporting glucose and oxygen, helping with digestion, removing waste and biproducts, regulating body temperature, and even making up part of your brain, blood, muscles, and bones. Studies show that more than 40% of fitness enthusiasts are partially dehydrated during workouts. Knowing…

Autoregulation: When to Adjust Your Workouts

Autoregulation is when you adjust your workout intensity based on how you feel about the exercises you’ve taken on. It is done independently without the help of a pre-fabricated program – hence the “auto” part. Certain things can influence how you feel about your workout load – is your strength increasing? How about your stamina?…

Top 5 Most Ridiculous Things People Do In The Gym 

I know that every fitness writer does an article like where they discuss some mistakes people make in the gym. Overtraining, not warming up, incorrect breathing, nutrition mistakes, etc. I’m going to focus on the stuff here that as a chiropractor and fitness expert, I just can’t deal with watching happen anymore. There are some…

Pitfalls to Losing Fat

Not Training Enough or Training Too Much               To truly lose body fat, you need to be training 4-5 days. Training 2-3 days is just not enough to see results. Your body is a powerful thing, it can easily adapt to short, limited cardio sessions. Instead, work on muscle building through weight lifting and adding…

Five Steps to Muscle Building Success

There are five steps to successful muscle building in any training program. There are two steps for physical workout planning, one step for nutrition, and two steps for mental fitness. Without these five steps, you won’t see the results you want from your training program. Let’s look at each step in depth. Physical Workout Planning…

Supporting Your Immune System

Health and fitness are more than just working out and eating well. It also includes sleep and stress management as well as immune support. A healthy mind and healthy body work are necessary if you want to stay in shape. So, let’s talk about supporting your immune system. Supplements are a great way to help…

Peak Week: The Pre-Contest Bible

When it comes to the week before a bodybuilding competition, you want to use everything in your power to become the best, shredded version of yourself. There are multiple ways you can do this and all of them are important to your competition success including nutrition, supplements, water and sodium, training, posing, and stage presence.…

50 Short and Sweet Muscle Building Tips

Fifty short tips to keep in mind on workouts, exercises, nutrition, and supplements. These are meant to be simple do’s and don’ts – there are exceptions to every rule. For more information, read more in-depth articles available on Compound exercises are great for growth. Squats and deadlifts are the best exercises for bodybuilders. Learn…

Foods to Create Your Own Successful Nutrition Plan

There are three main goals of creating a nutrition plan that works. One, to create an eating program that we can enjoy eating. Two, to control calories as needed by our fitness load. Three, to create a program that we will stick to for longer periods of time. Eating a wide variety of food that…


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